Intellectual Property Law
Secured Transactions
Intellectual Property
Commercial Law
Game Theory Simulations
Spatial Sectarianism
PowerPoint Course SlidesText of Course SlidesNotes
 Vol I Ch. 1 - Principles 
Copyright - Vol I
 Overview of the Act 
 Private Copying 
 Vol I Ch. 2 - Formalities 
 Vol I Ch. 3 - Omit 
 Vol I Ch. 4 - Infringement 
 Vol I Ch. 5 - Originality 
 Vol I Ch. 6 - Compilations 
 Vol I Ch. 7 - Literal Copying 
 Vol I Ch. 8 - Idea / Expression 
 Vol I Ch. 8B - SoftwareOmit
 Vol I Ch. 9 - MergerOmit
 Vol I Ch. 10 - Fair Dealing 
 Patents - Vol II 
Ch. 1 - IntroductionCh. 1 - Introduction 
Ch. 2 - The Patent SystemCh. 2 - The Patent System 
 Ch. 3 - SufficiencyOmit
 Ch. 4 - UtilityOmit
Ch. 5 - NoveltyCh. 5 - NoveltyOmit Windsurfer
 Apotex v Sanofi rtf  
 Apotex v Sanofi pdf 
Ch. 6 - ObviousnessCh. 6 - ObviousnessOmit 6.B Recombiant DNA Technology
 Ch. 7- Subject MatterOmit
 Trade-Marks - Vol III 
Ch. 1 - PrinciplesCh. 1 - Principles 
Passing Off Passing Off  
Ch. 2 - ReputationCh. 2 - Reputation 
Ch. 3- ConfusionCh. 3- Confusion 
Registered Marks Registered Marks  
Ch. 4 - RegistrabilityCh. 4 - Registrability 
Ch. 5- Loss of DistinctivenessCh. 5- Loss of Distinctiveness 
Ch. 6 - InfringementCh. 6 - InfringementOmit 6.C Initial Interest Confusion
Ch. 7 - Famous MarksCh. 7 - Famous MarksOmit
 ExamsSample Exam Answers
 Fall 2008 
 Fall 2007Question 4 Fall 2007
 Fall 2006 
 Fall 2005Question 3 Fall 2005
 Fall 2004