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Description, or my University
of New Brunswick faculty page.
Professor Siebrasse clerked at the Supreme Court
of Canada for the Honourable Madam Justice McLachlin during the 1991-1992
term and joined the Faculty of Law at the Univeristy of New Brunswick
in 1993. He was named University Research Professor in 2000. His primary
area of research is patent law. His blog Sufficient
Description comments on recent Canadian patent law cases, as well
as selected cases from other jurisdictions.
Selected Reports and Publications:
- The
Structure of the Law of Patentable Subject Matter, 23(2) I.P.J. 169
- 204 (2011)
- The
Rule Against Abstract Claims: History and Principles, 26(2) C.I.P.R.
205 - 229 (2011)
- The
Rule Against Abstract Claims: A Critical Perspective on US Jurisprudence,
(2011) 27(1) C.I.P.R. 3 - 30
- — and Catherine
Walsh (McGill), Leveraging Knowledge Assets: Reducing Uncertainty for
Security Interests in Intellectual Property, (2004) 98 pages, for the
Law Commission of Canada.
- The Innocent
Bystander Problem in the Patenting of Higher Life Forms, 49(2) McGill
Law Journal 349 - 392 (2004)
- A Remedial Benefit-Based
Approach to the Innocent User Problem in the Patenting of Higher Life
Forms, 20(1) Canadian Intellectual Property Review 79-134 (2004) (Cited
with approval by the Supreme Court of Canada in Monsanto Canada Inc.
v. Schmeiser, 2004 SCC 34, at para. 102.)
- A Property
Rights Theory of the Limits of Copyright, 51(1) University of Toronto
Law Journal 1-61 (2001)